Friday, February 6, 2009

McMUN Follow Up

so maybe this is a little late.
oh well.
sorry for the formatting as well.
this is just how i blog on my blog so ill stay consistent to my standards.
mcmun was a success. simply put.
or at least it was in my eyes
much fun was had.
friends were made.
lives were lost.
hearts were broken.
but in all seriousness.
i believe everybody had a good time.
though i guess i can speak for the group.
everybody seemed pretty content as we were leaving the conference.
hopefully people were only excited to come home rather than leave montreal.
everything went extremely smoothly.
many thanks to tiffany mueller for help as my assistant head delegate.
even crossing the boundary and doing my work for me.
before i even tried to do it.
baccus lost her keys but it happens.
people lose things.
at least we arent george washington....
when i was running around getting us checked out and whatnot i ran into the head delegate from gwash.
he revealed to me they had delegates (yes. multiple delegates) lose passports (yes, multiple passports).
whether them found them or not. only god knows.
so comparably we walked away with minimal scars.
the delegation seemed quite pleased with committees.
aside from the occasional random d-bag the comedian upstairs likes to place in seemingly every committee.
montreal is a great city and great experience for us.
im so grateful we get to go.
even more grateful it was my second time.
i met a friend i worked with in my committee two years ago.
it was crazy cool.
hopefully some of you/these kids will get to have that experience next year.
well i believe thats quite lengthy enough.
ill leave you now.
i apologize for not posting while actually on the trip.
hopefully this will suffice.
i look forward to posting in the future.
i might even post soon about our little situation regarding our next trip.
lots of love.
joe cundiff.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Resolution 3.1, Human Rights

Committee: Organization of Islamic Conference
OIC/Resolution 3.1
Sponsors: UAE, Uzbekistan, Mali
Signatories: Burkina Faso, Oman, Sierra Leone, Djibouti, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Benin, Togo, Yemen, Cameroon, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Somalia

Human Rights (and other stuff)

Recognizing the lack of human rights (and sleep) among all countries of the OIC,
Realizing that Allah has made us supreme rulers of the universe,
Aware of the fact that we are not offended by anything the chairs have done (don’t worry guys, it’s all good)

1. Urges that all states play nice;
2. Calls for a wall built around the Zionist state so it can be flooded (water will be purified to remove any traces of Judaism and then used to water Mali);
3. Encourages governments to not kill people unless they REALLY really have to;
4. Requests that Iran stop being so mean to everyone;
5. Deplores the a**-raping of Mali by Canada;
6. Further encourages Djibouti to participate in relationship counselling;
7. Demands Sudan go get his coffee like everyone else instead of having it delivered on a silver platter;
8. Further encourages everyone to spread the Islamic love;
9. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.


Greetings, from Mozambique's lovely GA 4th delegates (Linn and Tiffany B.)!

So today is the last day of the conference...about 1/3 of the committee is here...I wonder if we even have quorum...apparently it was a rough night for a lot of people...

We had an interesting few days....Things took off pretty quickly as we dove into our first topic....pretty soon 13 working papers turned into draft resolutions...not that it really mattered because none of them were passed :-/ However, there were some REALLY awesome moments during the conference. Here are a few of the highlights:

1. Following a failed motion for a 15-minute unmoderated caucus, our chair loudly declared "EPIC FAIL!"
2. Again, our amazing chair brought laughter to la salle de bal centre with her "That's what she said..." comment to a delegate.
3. You know, I think our chair was what made this weekend so great...When a very persistent and obstinate Afghanistan adamantly insisted on dicussion of the division of the question, our chair reminded the delegate "You can keep talking but I'm going to keep talking too until you stop...and while I have a microphone you do not."
4. The Spanish delegate presented a lovely haiku against Afghanistan's proposal for the division of the question.
5. This morning the Italian delegate presented a very lovely poem on our new topic on non-sovereign states and self-determination.

So, even after I (Linn) lost my coat (I left it on the plane from Charlotte to Philly...) and found out a little too late that while my cell phone plan gives me coverage in Canada, it does not, however, cost the same as it does in the US.... (I keep forgetting that I'm in another country!!!! The French signs and language everywhere doesn't seem to be enough of a hint..... ) I have still had a wonderful time! Which must mean that Canada is really awesome, right? Yeah, it is.

And even after I (Tiffany) caught this terrible cold, Montreal has still been an amazing place to see and enjoy! And for the sight of the lovely snow here, I would suffer the cold any day. : )

Oh, and when they tell you not to take a coat to a should really listen to them. (I had to stand in line for 30 minutes last night! lame...) (Linn)

Well, hope you all enjoyed the warm weather! See you Thursday!


Linn and Tiffany B.


Topic 2 done... Sustainable Development and the Economy.

4/5 Draft Resolutions passed, with the one that I sponsored not coming to the floor because I was the only sponosor here and the chair not wanting to bring it up without more of the sponsors.

Tiffany Mueller

P.S.--> US call out even though we don't have a delegate!